So since I did not get on to blog on Saturday I will tell that I did get my double in.
I took the var and bike down to the beach, where I rode 14.2 miles in 49.45 min with a Max HR of 185 (God bless those two hills...) and an Avg HR of 158, spending 23.52 between 133-170.
THEN: I locked the bike to the car and ran/walked in the soft sand on the beach for 32.27 min, Max 171, Avg 160, with 27.32 min betwee 152-170.
Sunday afternoon I hit the gym for 19.19 min of AMT work (M: 169, A: 161) with resistance level 10 focusing on a deep intense, sustained effort. And then 27.33 min of upper body (M:167, A: 139). I did straight armed pulldowns on the ball for balance, then a warmup cycle of lat pulldowns and machine chest presses to warm up. Then I did power drop sets of Lat pull downs from 175 down to 65; a ball based curl (sitting and leaning back on the half ball to engage my core and curling to my forehead) drop sets from 80 down; and then finished with chest press drop sets from 190 down. It was tough to lift my arms to take my shirt off last night :)
This morning I got up at 5:15 and went and rode for 46.08 min (M:172, A:151). After feeling like I did not have the legs for hill work this morning, I focused on interval sprints through the Zuma parking lot. I took a spinning ride eastwardly and then sprinted in drop position the length back west trying to keep my speed above 20 mph and my cadence high. I did three of those lengths (my quickest sprint was 4 min 25 sec).
Oh and I now have two new pieces of gear. I have a wetsuit on loan from Devo:
And I bought some cycling gear at a sale on Saturday. You can see me coming now! I post these mostly so you can not accuse of me of doing this for the glamour.
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