Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Saturday July 5th

Ah yeah, now that is what I am talking about!

I swam for total duration (stopping the watch when breaking) for 30 min in the Masters Class (which incidentally is a God-send and I am really looking forward to increasing my swim endurance and form with them).

Then, I went on a 1:11:11 bike ride (20 miles, with a fast second half) through the hills out past Leo Carillo Beach. HR was a 152 avg, with a 176 Max, with 34:20 spent over 152.

THEN, I decided to try a third leg to simulate a mini-tri. With tired legs from the 5K and the beginnings of some shin splints, I decided to drive to Malibu Fitness and jump on the elliptical machine. I went 32:12 there with a max HR of 156 and an average of 139 with 28:13 above 133.

I felt great knowing that I had it in me to physically complete the tri distance and times. Now, I get to set that anxiety aside and focus on blossoming as an athlete and building my endurance and thresholds to run the race. :)

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